{ outdoor solar lighting }

  • Do Solar Lights Need Full Sun?

    Solar lights use the sun’s energy to create electricity. They made made of an LED light, a battery to store energy, and a solar panel. The solar panel charges the battery during the day by absorbing sunlight and converting it into electrical energy. The LED light is powered by the battery and provides that at night. The solar panel’s ability to absorb sunlight has a direct impact on the battery’s capacity to charge.


    While it’s true that solar lights depend on sunlight, they can still operate under less-than-ideal conditions. Solar panels can collect energy even in cloudy or overcast weather. While direct sunlight is the most efficient light source, solar powered lamps can charge and function to a certain degree even in shaded areas and during winter months. However, the charging capacity and runtime may be reduced in these conditions.


    To maximize the performance of LED outdoor solar lights, proper placement is a key element. Ideally, they should be installed in areas that receive direct sunlight for most of the day. Placing them in locations with minimal shading, such as open yards or rooftops, will ensure optimal charging and longer illumination periods. If shaded spots are unavoidable, it is important to consider the decreased charging capability and adjust expectations accordingly.


    LED outdoor solar lights 

    There are ways to enhance the performance of outdoor solar lighting even in less sunlit areas. One option is to install lights with adjustable solar panels. These panels can be positioned to face the sun directly, capturing as much sunlight as possible. Another option is to install solar lights with higher-quality solar panels that are designed to absorb light even in low-light conditions. Additionally, regular cleaning of the solar panels to remove dust and debris can significantly improve their efficiency.


    To summarize, although solar lights benefit from complete sun exposure, they can still offer illumination under less-than-ideal conditions, but the charging capacity and duration will be reduced. For best performance, solar panels must be properly installed and maintained on a regular basis. So, if you’re considering solar lights for your outdoor space, remember that while the amount of sunlight does crucial, they may still illuminate your surroundings and contribute to a greener future even in partially covered locations.


    SLD, Solar Lights Do, is a company that specializes in manufacturing and selling high-quality solar lights. We offer a wide range of efficient and durable solar lighting solutions designed for outdoor use. If you're interested, please visit us at www.solarlightsdo.com.

  • How to Install Solar Lights in Shaded Areas

    Solar lights are a great way to light up our garden or walkway, but it can be a challenge to install them in shaded areas. Without enough direct exposure of sunlight, their performance can suffer. While don’t worry, installing solar powered outdoor lights in shaded areas isn’t impossible, it just requires a little extra planning and creativity.


    Let’s talk about the basics. Solar lamps rely on sunlight to charge during the day, so ideally, they should be placed in direct sunlight. But if we have a shaded area, look for solar lights that come with separate solar panels is a good choice. These solar split lights allow us to place the solar panel in a sunny spot, while the light fixture itself can be positioned in the shade where we need illumination. The solar panel is connected to the light by a cable, which can often be extended to reach the optimal charging location. When selecting this type of light, it is important to check the length of the cord to make sure it’s long enough to reach from the sunny area to the shaded location. This setup allows us to maximize sunlight exposure for charging, while still lighting up shaded spaces.


    Investing in highly efficient outdoor solar lighting is an additional choice. Even if our yard doesn’t receive a lot of direct sunlight, LED lights can still perform admirably because some more recent models are made to be efficient even in dim light or overcast weather. But remember that they may not be as bright or persist into the night as they would in places with full sunlight. For areas with consistent shade, we can also look into some solar lights with rechargeable or hybrid battery systems. Some models allow us to charge the batteries using electricity or a USB port during cloudy day or in the winter, ensuring we have light no matter the conditions.


    solar split lights 

    When installing solar lights in shaded areas, strategic placement can make all the difference. Instead of placing the lights directly in dense shade, try positioning them in spots that get at least partial sunlight for part of the day, such as under trees with thinner branches or near the edge of a shaded area where some sunlight filters through. We should also consider reflective surfaces nearby, like white walls or metal fences, which help bounce light onto the solar panels.


    At last, we need remember to routinely inspect and clean our solar panels. Debris like dust or leaves can obstruct the sunlight that the panels are attempting to capture, even in regions that are shadowed. Even when the sun isn’t shining directly on them, keeping the clean guarantees that they can charge as effectively as possible and provides us with the best outcomes.