1. What is the shape of your roof?

Roofs come in many different shapes and sizes. Before you go ahead with any installation, make sure that your roof has enough space for the rooftop solar panels. If there isn’t enough room, you likely will not get the return you expect on your investment.


2. Where will the water go?

When it rains, water runs down the roof, into the gutters and out and away from your home. When installing solar panels, equipment like solar panel roof brackets and wire harnesses can prevent the water from flowing and draining properly. In some cases, solar equipment can move the water in a different direction, which can create leaks and other problems. These problems will need repair, which means the solar panels will need to be removed.


3. Did you pick the cheapest options?

Cheaper solar panels rarely translate to better solar panels. While the technology has dropped significantly in price over the past decade, investing in the cheapest models or brands of solar panels can leave you in the dark. Cheaper or low end solar panels are often manufactured in a way that makes them less durable. When solar panels are less durable, it decreases your investment value as well as potential future savings. The scary part is that these lower quality panels can sometimes be dangerous, resulting in safety hazards. The last thing you want is to have a fire start in your home because of low quality solar panels.


4. What about warranties?

Warranties are an important aspect of protecting your solar panels and other related equipment. If anything happens to your solar panels, having a warranty helps you to keep the manufacturer accountable — without any additional cost to you. There are also some incentive programs (available in many different states) that require you to have a warranty for your solar equipment.


5. Don’t forget about maintenance.

Keeping your solar panels working and your roof in good condition is all about establishing proper maintenance procedures. It’s a good idea to find out from rooftop solar panel manufacturer what those maintenance procedures are before the installation begins. If you are unable to meet those maintenance requirements, there is a good chance your equipment will not last as long as you want it to.