• Shingled Solar Panels VS. Solar Tiles VS. Standard Solar Panels

    When it comes to powering your home with solar energy, standard photovoltaic (PV) solar modules are a common choice. However, the cutting-edge technology of shingled solar PV panels offers an innovative alternative. It's important to note that shingled solar panels are distinct from solar tiles, despite their similar names and purposes. This article will explore the differences between shingled solar panels and solar tiles, compare shingled solar panels with conventional modules, and highlight the advantages of this technology to help you determine if it's the right option for you.

     Shingled Solar Panels Solar Tiles Standard Solar Panels


    Shingled Solar Panels vs. Solar Tiles(Solar Shingles)


    Shingled Solar Panels:

    Shingled solar panels utilize laser slicing technology to cut solar cells into multiple strips and interconnect them with electrically conductive adhesive. This optimization of component structure achieves zero spacing between cells, allowing for a 5% increase in cell placement compared to other types of modules, effectively enhancing the solar panel's conversion efficiency.


    Solar Tiles:

    Solar tiles serve as both a source of electricity and structural support for your roof, integrating seamlessly into building aesthetics. However, while aesthetically pleasing, their conversion efficiency typically ranges from 15% to 20%, lower than shingled solar panels which can reach up to 23.5%. Moreover, solar tiles are priced higher, ranging from $0.8 to $2 per watt, compared to shingled solar panels which range from $0.18 to $0.25 per watt.


    Shingled Solar Panels vs. Standard Solar Panels


    Interconnection of Cells:

    Conventional modules rely on copper busbars or ribbons to connect cells, resulting in gaps between them. In contrast, shingled modules eliminate these gaps by assembling cells into strips with electrically conductive adhesive. This method enhances efficiency and durability, with shingled panels boasting efficiency rates between 22% to 23.5%.


    Panel Efficiency:

    Standard solar panels typically achieve efficiencies ranging from 15% to 22.6%, while shingled panels surpass this range, reaching efficiencies between 22% to 23.5%. This higher efficiency is complemented by shingling technology's compatibility with glass-glass and bifacial techniques, further improving light absorption and minimizing losses.


    Mechanical Performance:

    Shingled solar panels demonstrate superior mechanical strength against external forces like wind and snow compared to conventional panels. They maintain structural integrity without micro-cracks or power attenuation even after rigorous load testing, ensuring long-term reliability.



    Shingled solar cells offer a sleek, all-black appearance by eliminating visible ribbons and busbars, enhancing the overall design of buildings.


    Advantages of Shingled Solar Panels


    Higher Power Density:

    Shingled solar panels maximize power production per square meter, utilizing the entire effective area without gaps, leading to increased energy output in less space.


    Lower Energy Loss:

    Parallel wiring of shingled solar cells minimizes the impact of shading and reduces energy losses compared to series-wired conventional cells. Additionally, lower ohmic losses contribute to improved performance.


    More Aesthetic:

    The sleek design of shingled panels enhances the visual appeal of homes, offering a modern and stylish alternative to conventional modules.


    More Reliable:

    Shingled panels exhibit robust performance, resisting shading, mechanical stress, and low current operation, ensuring consistent and dependable energy production.


    Are Shingled Solar Panels Right for You?


    Shingled solar panels are an innovative choice, particularly suitable for residential applications. As manufacturers adopt this technology, prices are expected to decrease, making them increasingly accessible. If you prioritize cutting-edge technology, enhanced power production, efficiency, reliability, and aesthetics, shingled solar panels are worth considering.


    Less Expensive:

    Compared to solar tiles, shingled solar panels offer a more cost-effective solution, both in terms of manufacturing and installation.


    Easier Maintenance:

    Shingled panels require minimal maintenance, primarily periodic cleaning, offering convenience and ease of ownership compared to solar tiles.




    Shingled solar panels represent a promising advancement in solar technology, offering higher efficiency, improved aesthetics, and greater reliability. As the market expands and prices decrease, they become an attractive option for homeowners seeking efficient and stylish solar solutions.

  • Flat Rooftop Solar Mounting Racking System Solution

    Xiamen Art Sign Co., Ltdis a solar mount system factory in China start from 2006. There are many kinds of  Aluminum products and galvanized steel products.
    Please allow me to introduce products we have:
    1: Roof Mount: Pitched Roof Mount & Flat Roof Mount
    2: Ground Mount: Aluminum Ground Mount, Steel Ground Mount and Carport Solar Mounting system
    3: Customized Structure: Container Energy House Mounting Structure, Solar Agricultural Mount, CCTV POLE Mounting Structure etc.
    4: PV Accessories: Aluminum Profile, steel C Profile, Stainless Steel Roof Hook and other accessories
    For Rooftop Solar Mounting Racking System Solution
    Flat Roof PV Racking Solution
    Suitable for many kinds of buildings, such as: houses, schools, shopping malls, hospitals, etc., where the roof is a flat platform or terrace.
    There are some features of Flat roof racking system:
    1、good compatibility. Suitable for different solar models of components;
    2、strong stability, improve snow resistance, wind resistance.
    3、unique design, easy to install, low maintenance cost;
    4、high corrosion resistance, greatly improve service life;
    5、a variety of solar roof hook design, optional installation programme.

    Following are Xiamen flat roof solar triangle mounting solution:

     Flat roof racking system


    Xiamen Art Sign ballast roof solar mounting solution:

    Flat Roof PV Racking

    Xiamen Art Sign U BEAM roof solar mounting solution:

    solar mount system

    Xiamen Art Sign EAST-WEST roof solar mounting solution:

    Flat Rooftop Solar Mounting Racking System


    As a leading manufacturer of solar mounting systems. We design and manufacture a wide range of PV mounts for roofs, such as tile roof solar mounting brackets, tin roof mounting brackets, and many single PV mounting accessories, such as our ever popular ceramic roof solar hooks, short rails for tin roof, solar mounting L-feet and double thread solar hanger bolt, etc.
    For any inquiries for solar panels mounting sturcture.please feel free to contact us, E-mail: sales@artsign.net.cn, whatsapp/wechat/skype:+86 18030235875, thanks.



  • Maximizing Solar Efficiency Dual Tilt Solar Racking Systems

    In the renewable energy landscape, optimizing solar panel orientation is crucial for maximizing energy output. Dual tilt solar racking systems provide an innovative solution, enabling solar panels to capture sunlight more efficiently by utilizing a bi-facial orientation. 

    Understanding Dual Tilt Solar Racking Systems

    Dual tilt solar racking systems, also known as east-west racking systems, are designed to orient solar panels in two directions. This configuration allows panels to capture sunlight during both the morning and afternoon, thereby increasing overall energy production. The dual tilt design optimizes the use of available space, particularly on flat rooftops, by reducing shading and allowing for a higher density of panels.

    Key Features and Benefits

    1. Enhanced Energy Production: By tilting solar panels in both east and west directions, dual tilt systems capture more sunlight throughout the day compared to traditional south-facing systems. This leads to a more consistent and higher total energy output.

    2. Space Efficiency: Dual tilt racking systems enable a higher density of solar panels on a given surface area. This is particularly beneficial for flat roofs or ground-mounted arrays, where maximizing the number of panels can significantly boost energy production.

    3. Reduced Shading: The unique orientation of dual tilt systems minimizes shading between rows of panels, allowing for optimal performance even in tightly spaced installations. This design helps to maintain consistent energy production throughout the day.

    4. Lower Wind Load: Compared to single tilt systems, dual tilt configurations have a lower profile and are less susceptible to wind loads. This increases the stability and durability of the installation, particularly in areas prone to high winds.

    5. Ease of Installation: Dual tilt racking systems are designed for simplicity and speed of installation. Pre-assembled components and modular designs reduce installation time and labor costs, making the process more efficient and cost-effective.

    6. Cost-Effective: With increased energy production and efficient use of space, dual tilt systems offer a higher return on investment. The reduced need for additional structural support due to lower wind loads also contributes to overall cost savings.


    Dual tilt solar racking systems are suitable for a wide range of applications, including:

    - Residential Flat Roofs: Maximizing solar energy production on residential flat roofs.

    - Commercial and Industrial Buildings: Large-scale installations on flat rooftops of commercial and industrial buildings.

    - Solar Farms: Ground-mounted solar farms where space efficiency and maximum energy output are critical.

    - Community Solar Projects: Shared solar installations that benefit multiple users from a single system.

    Partnering with SIC Solar

    To ensure the successful implementation of dual tilt solar racking systems, partnering with a reputable supplier is essential. SIC Solar, a leading provider of solar mounting solutions, offers a comprehensive range of dual tilt racking systems tailored to meet the diverse needs of solar projects. With SIC Solar's expertise and support, solar installers and project developers can achieve seamless integration and optimal performance of their solar systems.


    Dual tilt solar racking systems represent a significant advancement in solar technology, providing enhanced energy production, space efficiency, reduced shading, lower wind load, ease of installation, and cost-effectiveness. These benefits make dual tilt systems an ideal choice for various solar applications, from residential rooftops to large-scale solar farms. Partnering with SIC Solar ensures reliable and efficient solutions for maximizing solar energy potential, paving the way for a sustainable and energy-efficient future.

    Dual tilt solar racking

  • Enhancing Solar Installations Non-Penetrating Solar Roof Mounts

    As the adoption of solar energy continues to rise, the need for efficient and reliable mounting solutions becomes increasingly important. Non-penetrating solar roof mounts have emerged as a preferred option for installing solar panels on various types of roofs without compromising the roof’s integrity. 

    Understanding Non-Penetrating Solar Roof Mounts

    Non-penetrating solar roof mounts are designed to secure solar panels on rooftops without the need for drilling or penetrating the roof surface. Instead of relying on screws or bolts that pierce the roof membrane, these mounts use weights (ballast) or adhesive materials to hold the panels in place. This method protects the roof from potential leaks and structural damage, making it an ideal solution for both residential and commercial buildings.

    Key Features and Benefits

    1. Protection of Roof Integrity: Non-penetrating mounts prevent any damage to the roof membrane, reducing the risk of leaks and extending the roof’s lifespan. This feature is especially beneficial for flat roofs and roofs with delicate or older materials.

    2. Ease of Installation: These mounts are designed for quick and straightforward installation, reducing labor costs and installation time. The pre-assembled components and modular design make the process efficient, enabling faster project completion.

    3. Versatility and Flexibility: Non-penetrating mounts are versatile and can be used on a variety of roof types, including flat, low-slope, and some pitched roofs. They are compatible with different solar panel sizes and configurations, offering flexibility to meet specific project requirements.

    4. Optimal Tilt and Orientation: These mounting systems allow for the optimal tilt and orientation of solar panels to maximize sunlight exposure and energy production. Adjustable tilt options can be customized based on geographic location and seasonal variations.

    5. Durability and Stability: Constructed from high-quality materials such as aluminum and stainless steel, non-penetrating mounts are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, including wind, rain, and snow. The ballast or adhesive methods ensure that the system remains stable and secure over time.

    6. Cost-Effective: By avoiding roof penetrations, these mounts reduce the need for additional waterproofing measures and roof repairs, leading to lower overall project costs. The ease of installation also contributes to cost savings.


    Non-penetrating solar roof mounts are suitable for a wide range of applications, including:

    - Residential buildings with flat or low-slope roofs

    - Commercial and industrial buildings

    - Educational institutions

    - Government and municipal buildings

    - Warehouses and distribution centers

    Partnering with SIC Solar

    To ensure the successful implementation of non-penetrating solar roof mounts, partnering with a reputable supplier is essential. SIC Solar, a leading provider of solar mounting solutions, offers a comprehensive range of non-penetrating mounts designed to meet the diverse needs of solar projects. With SIC Solar's expertise and support, solar installers and project developers can achieve seamless integration and optimal performance of their solar systems.


    Non-penetrating solar roof mounts provide an efficient, durable, and versatile solution for securing solar panels on rooftops without compromising the roof’s integrity. With benefits such as ease of installation, versatility, optimal tilt, durability, and cost-effectiveness, these mounts are essential for the success of solar projects on various roof types. Partnering with SIC Solar further enhances the reliability and efficiency of these installations, ensuring a sustainable and effective transition to renewable energy.

    non penetrating solar roof mount

  • Industry Dynamics of Solar Mounting Systems in Turkey

    Turkey is experiencing significant growth in the solar energy sector, with a particular focus on solar photovoltaic (PV) installations. The development of robust solar mounting systems is crucial for optimizing energy production and ensuring the long-term reliability of solar PV installations. This article provides a concise overview of the industry dynamics and trends surrounding solar mounting systems in Turkey.


    The increasing adoption of solar energy in Turkey has stimulated the demand for high-quality solar mounting systems. These systems serve as the foundation for solar PV panels and play a crucial role in maximizing energy generation by providing sturdy support and optimal panel alignment.


    The Turkish solar mounting system industry is witnessing ongoing technological advancements. Manufacturers are developing innovative designs that offer improved ease of installation, increased adjustability, and enhanced durability. Advanced features, such as tilt angle adjustability and tracking capabilities, enable solar panels to capture sunlight more effectively, leading to higher energy yields.


    To ensure the safety and reliability of solar installations in Turkey, regulatory bodies have implemented certification standards for solar mounting systems. Compliance with these standards is essential for manufacturers and installers, ensuring that systems meet quality and performance requirements. Adherence to these standards provides confidence to investors and promotes a sustainable solar energy sector.


    The growing demand for solar mounting systems has spurred competition among domestic and international manufacturers. The Turkish market has witnessed the emergence of local manufacturers, contributing to job creation and the development of a domestic supply chain. Local production not only supports the economy but also offers the advantage of shorter lead times and easier access to technical support and after-sales services.


    The integration of solar mounting systems into building and infrastructure projects is gaining traction in Turkey. Developers and architects are incorporating solar PV systems into commercial buildings, housing complexes, and industrial facilities. This integration requires specialized solar mounting systems that can seamlessly blend with the existing structures while ensuring optimal energy production.


    Turkey's solar mounting system industry is experiencing dynamic growth driven by the increasing adoption of solar energy. Technological advancements, adherence to regulatory standards, market competition, local manufacturing, and integration with building projects are shaping the industry. These developments are key to unlocking the full potential of solar energy and supporting Turkey's transition towards a sustainable and renewable future.


  • Have you found the BEST ground mounting system manufacturer yet?

    As a leading manufacturer and supplier in the solar industry, SR SOLAR specializes in providing high-quality solar mounting solutions with decades of experience in solar market. Today, I wanted to highlight our exceptional solar ground mount systems.

    Now, please allow me to share some key advantages of choosing our ground mount systems for your solar energy projects:

    1. Type Options:
    At SR SOLAR, we offer a diverse selection of foundations to suit your project's requirements. You have the flexibility to choose from screw piles, concrete blocks, C type piles, or H type piles.

    Solar ground mounting system

    2. Customizable Designs:
    We offer a range of design options to meet the specific requirements of each project, such as: material, foundation, waterproof, design standard. Whether you have limited space, uneven terrain, or unique site conditions, our ground mount systems can be tailored to maximize energy generation.
    3. Easy Installation:
    To simplify the installation process, the sloped beam part of the structure is pre-assembled in our factory before shipment. When it arrives at your site, you only need to pull it out and set it up. This streamlined process saves both time and money.
    4. Exceptional Durability:
    Our aluminum support structures undergo anodization, enhancing their corrosion resistance and ensuring long-lasting durability in various environmental conditions. Alternatively, our steel supports are available with hot-dip galvanization or a magnesium-aluminum-zinc alloy coating, providing superior protection against corrosion. The galvanized layer can reach a thickness of 80um or more, ensuring robust and reliable performance.

    If you're in search of a high-quality solar ground mounting system, you definitely don't want to overlook this opportunity! Thank you!


  • How to Choose a Portable Power Supply

    Factors to Consider When Selecting a Portable Power Supply


    When selecting a portable power supply,  Here are some considerations to keep in mind:


    Capacity: Determine how many watt-hours (Wh) your portable power supply can store. This will dictate how long you can power your devices before recharging.


    Output Power: Look at the continuous and peak wattage your portable power supply can deliver. This can help you identify which devices you can power simultaneously.


    Portability: Consider the portable power supply's weight and size, especially if you’re using it for camping, hiking, or other outdoor activities.


    Input Charging Options: Check if the unit supports solar charging, wall outlets, car charging, or other methods. Solar compatibility can be crucial if you’re using it off-grid.


    Number and Type of Ports: Ensure the portable power supply has a variety of ports (USB, AC, DC, etc.) to suit all your devices.


    Battery Life: Research how many charge cycles the battery can undergo before losing capacity.


    Safety Features: Ensure the power station has overcharge protection, short circuit protection, temperature control, and other features.


    Cost: While the initial investment might be high, consider the long-term savings and value provided by the portable power supply.


    Environmental Impact: Opt for models that can be charged using renewable energy sources, like solar panels, if you prioritize sustainability.


    Brand Reputation: Look for brands known for quality, reliability, and good customer service.


    When to Use Portable Power Supplies


    Portable power supplies can fit a variety of situations. They are great for power supply in areas without electricity, emergency power supply for households, outdoor camping, hiking, and trips to the beach. A Portable Power Supply is also helpful if you frequently experience brief power outages due to weather. It can keep essential devices like smartphones and laptops charged.


    Portable power supplies work best when you don’t need large power output. They cannot power large appliances but work well with lighter loads. Portable power supplies work best when you don’t have access to an outlet for charging. Portable power supplies are also suitable for people who want to avoid fuss with regular maintenance or lack technical know-how.


    Jntech's portable energy storage device is a lightweight product with an output power of up to 300W and a storage capacity of 0.32 kWh. You can plug in up to 7 devices at a time and it has passed several safety tests. Contact us today to find out how this product can meet your needs.


  • What is a high-voltage solar charger?

    High-voltage solar chargers are designed for large-scale solar energy storage and direct-drive solar power supply systems. It is a DC-DC charge controller with electronic protection and adaptive charging functions. Therefore, we also call it the MPPT solar charge controller.


    The high voltage MPPT solar charger control algorithm used in the solar charger optimizes real-time solar panel energy output and allows customization of battery parameters. The controller can charge the battery independently or be integrated with an energy storage system. In addition, it provides remote control and parallel operation through external communication.


    In solar power generation systems, MPPT charge controllers play a vital role in grid-connected, off-grid and hybrid solar systems. It allows solar panels to operate at maximum efficiency, thereby increasing the system's energy output.


    Whether under variable sunlight conditions or extreme environments, Jntech's high-voltage solar chargers can track and continuously adjust the power load through advanced MPPT to maximize the operating efficiency of the solar power generation system.



    Jntech 3-50kW high voltage solar chargers are available for you to choose from, if you have any needs, please call or send us an email.

  • How to use wind and solar energy to charge electric cars

    Charging electric vehicles using wind and solar energy is a viable and environmentally friendly solution. Wind energy and solar energy are two major renewable energy sources. Combined with charging piles and energy storage technology, we can fully use these energy sources to provide power for electric vehicles.


    First of all, using wind energy to generate electricity is a common way. By setting up wind turbines, wind energy can be collected and converted into electrical energy. Building wind farms can provide charging services for nearby electric vehicles in suitable locations, such as coastlines or areas with abundant wind energy resources.


    Secondly, solar energy is also an ideal energy choice. By converting sunlight into electricity through solar panels, we can install charging equipment in outdoor parking lots, rooftops or solar farmlands for charging electric vehicles. Today, with the continuous development of solar photovoltaic technology, the cost of solar power supply is gradually decreasing, and more and more places have adopted solar charging stations.


    To improve the utilization rate of renewable energy and charging efficiency, a hybrid power supply system combining wind and solar energy is also an innovative approach. According to local weather and natural resource conditions, electric vehicle charging infrastructure should be planned rationally to ensure that charging equipment can provide stable and reliable power for electric vehicles under different weather conditions.



    By combining the advantages of wind and solar energy, we can provide clean, renewable and green charging services for large-scale farmland and outdoor parking lots. Jntech wind and solar storage and charging station systems have various configurations for you. If you have any needs, please call us toll-free or email us.

  • Why Kaiying Power insists on using high-quality smelted lead as production material?

    In today's rapidly evolving battery market, Kaiying Power has consistently adhered to the decision to use high-quality smelted lead as a production material. This decision is not incidental but based on a profound understanding of battery performance and longevity, as well as respect for user demands. Here are several key reasons why Kaiying Power insists on using high-quality smelted lead:


    1. Stable and Reliable Performance

    Kaiying Power recognizes that high-quality smelted lead can provide more stable and reliable battery performance. This is because the high purity of lead can reduce the impact of other metals or impurities on battery performance, ensuring consistent and reliable performance during charging and discharging. This aligns with user expectations for long-term stable product usage.


    2. Extended Battery Lifespan

    The uniform metal grain structure of smelted lead can slow down the corrosion and degradation of plates, thereby extending the battery's lifespan. For users, this means a longer battery cycle life and more durable performance, reducing the frequency of battery replacement and maintenance costs.


    3. Enhanced Starting Performance and Energy Output

    High-purity smelted lead can provide better conductivity and energy output, improving the battery's starting performance. Especially in low-temperature conditions, users can rely more on the battery to quickly start vehicles or equipment, enhancing the product's reliability in extreme environments.


    4. Maintained Stable Capacity

    Batteries manufactured using high-quality smelted lead can promote internal chemical reactions and reduce unnecessary losses, improving the battery's capacity retention. This means the battery can maintain a stable output capacity during long-term usage, meeting users' demands for sustained performance.


    While recycled lead may reduce costs to some extent, Kaiying Power insists on using high-quality smelted lead as a production material out of a high regard for product quality and user experience. By providing stable and reliable battery performance, extending battery lifespan, enhancing starting performance and energy output, and maintaining stable capacity, Kaiying Power is committed to offering users high-quality, high-performance SLA battery products, creating greater value and trust for customers.